

Over half of global sports fans consider themselves 'environmentalists'.

Source: YouGov: Global Sports 2022: Uncovering the Socially Responsible Sports Fan

35% of workplace injuries are caused by poor quality equipment. 

Source: Results from a statewide survey of janitors, American Journal of Industrial Medicine

The average hand-washing rate of those travelling through airports is just 20%. 


80% of germs are spread by hands*

Source: University of Arizona Study, Dr. C. Gerba.

Around 4.5 billion people travel through airports each year*.

Source: International Air Transport Association (IATA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Foodservice and Restaurants page

Over half of consumers say restaurant sustainability practices are “somewhat influencing” their choice when dining away from home, with one in five going out of their way to eat at a sustainable restaurant.*

Source: Zogby International

80% of consumers say they’d avoid going to a restaurant with a dirty washroom**.

Source: Datassential, Keynote Reports, Oct. 2022

With staff vacancies in hospitality up by 83% and 45% of operators being driven to cut operating hours***, there is more pressure than ever to be efficient and get more done with less.

Source: ONS

70% of restaurants surveyed said improving their sustainability is a priority but only 41% say they’re currently running sustainable operations. With 57% of consumers believing the foodservice industry can have a significant impact on the environment, it’s time for businesses in the sector to take action.**

Source: Datassential

Ditch bulk fill soap and sanitiser dispensers for more hygienic**** touch-free sealed alternatives and choose equipment that’s been ergonomically designed to help prevent workplace injuries.

Source: Journal of Environmental Health 2011.

Away from dining areas, washrooms are just as important - 74% of people say dirty washrooms cause negative perceptions.*****

Source: Cintas Corporation

With a third of the world’s food going to waste*, there is a responsibility for businesses in the foodservice sector to do more to tackle food waste.

Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Study

Education page

Over three quarters of prospective students say ‘clear strategies to reduce environmental impact, promote sustainable development and reduce waste’ are an influencing factor in the college or university they apply for.*

Source: Shakespeare Martineau

The proportion of schoolchildren absent through illness is close to twice the rate seen before the pandemic, placing more emphasis on the need for good cleaning and hygiene practices to prevent the spread of germs.**

Source: Department for Education, UK

Musculoskeletal injuries account for half of injuries reported by school maintenance workers***, with removing waste the task second most frequently associated with injury – costly for staff wellbeing and budgets.

Source: Koehoorn M, Ostry A, Hossain S, Village J [2011]. Injury risk associated with physical demands and school environment characteristics among a cohort of custodial workers. 54(8):767‒775.

Studies show that 12% of school maintenance staff report incurring a workplace injury each year, far higher than all other education occupations combined*** 

Sources: Koehoorn M, Ostry A, Hossain S, Village J [2011]. Injury risk associated with physical demands and school environment characteristics among a cohort of custodial workers. 54(8):767‒775.


The cost of lost productivity due to illness or injury equates to 1.4 times their daily wage for every day they’re impacted***.


Whether it’s quality soap and sanitiser helping to prevent the 80% of germs that are spread by hands* from tearing through classrooms or lecture theatres, or ergonomic equipment minimising the risk of injury to maintenance teams, investing in the right solutions to protect wellbeing is key.

Source: University of Arizona Study, Dr. C. Gerba.

With 87%** of students saying their university should take sustainability seriously and sustainability ‘more important than location’ for mobile students***, education facilities are coming under increasing pressure to be demonstrably greener in their practices and operations… without it costing the earth.

Sources: NUS research

Times Higher Education

Facility Management page

87% agree that the quality of hygiene and cleaning products provided affect users' perception of a facility

Source: RCP Facebook Research

According to research from IDC,this is what inefficient processes can cost companies 20-30% in revenue every year.

Source: IDC

89% of respondents recognise that longer life products are better for the environment

Source: RCP Research

93% of facility operators know the visibility of their hygiene and cleaning measures influences how their users perceive it

Source: Changing Workplaces

You know what they say – time is money and with even just an extra five seconds in workflow causing a loss of profit.

Source: Honeywell, Unlocking Hidden Cost in the Distribution Center.

Extending the life cycle of passive products reduces the environmental impact of waste management products by up to 72% and reduces commercial cost by up to a third.

Source: The Benefits of Extending Passive Product Lifespans

77% feel they produce better work in cleaner facilities

The link between clean environments and employee productivity is clear but with cleaning staff shortages continuing into this year, and operational costs for facilities still on the rise, how do facilities prioritise their cleaning and hygiene? 


Warehouse and Logistics page

75% of managers are concerned about maintaining productivity levels in the warehouse.


58% of workers have suffered from musculoskeletal disorders, with warehouse and logistics one of the workforces most likely to be affected.

Source: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders – Facts and figures, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work 

75% of warehouse and logistics businesses say customer pressure is pushing them to improve the sustainability of their operations and 66% have won new business as a result of strong ESG practices.

Source: European Logistics & Supply Chain Sustainability Report, researched by Analytiqa.

Almost 3,000 hours of labour are lost every year due to poor productivity practices.

Source: Honeywell study: Unlocking Hidden Cost in the Distribution Center.

Workers take on average 3 sick days every year, which can cost a business with 100 employees around £35,000/year.

Source: Avg salary taken from Olive Pometsky GQ Magazine

80% of germs are spread by hands

Source: University of Arizona study, Dr C. Gerba

64% of employees responsible for moving heavy loads at work

Source: ESENER 2019

More than 80% of warehouse and logistics business have goals and targets in place to support environmental programmes. However, 60% state that the cost of providing sustainability solutions, whilst managing the complexity of these solutions and a lack of human resources to implement them, are serious challenges.

Source: European Logistics & Supply Chain Sustainability Report, researched by Analytiqa.

92% of people prefer automatic, touch-free hand sanitiser and soap dispensers.

Source: Based on 415 RCP Facebook survey responses.

Waste and Recycling page

88% of consumers actively want brands to help them be more sustainable. Consumers are looking for greater sustainability in the companies, products and services they choose. 


50% of facilities are facing challenges in managing more waste streams due to an increase in the use of disposable products.* 39% have introduced a multi-stream waste/recycling system.

Source: Changing Workplaces survey of over 300 businesses across Europe, carried out by RCP in 2021 -

27% cost savings seen by DPD, when the logistics business installed RCP recycling systems, thanks to not sending waste to general waste disposal.

Source: Olly Craughan, Head of Sustainability for DPD

Musculoskeletal injuries account for ~50% of injuries reported by school maintenance workers with removing waste the task second most frequently associated with injury.

Source: Koehoorn M, Ostry A, Hossain S, Village J [2011]. Injury risk associated with physical demands and school environment characteristics among a cohort of custodial workers. 54(8):767‒775.

HandSafe page

93% of facilities say visibility of hand hygiene measures influences facility users’ perceptions of their brand or facility.

Source: Changing Workplaces:

84% of people say personal control of cleaning is important in making them feel safe

Source: Deloitte, “Safety and cleanliness–make it or break it”

With workers averaging 3 sick days a year, this can have a real impact on productivity, costing businesses with 100 employees around £35,100/year.

Source: and based on average salary taken from Olive Pometsey, GQ Magazine

Touch-free dispensers are traditionally powered by batteries, only 5% of which are successfully recycled.

Source: Constance Kampfner, The Times.

74% of people say that dirty washrooms cause negative perceptions of a facility.

Source: Cintas

Hospitality page

Over ¾ of hotel guests rate cleanliness as the most important factor affecting their choice of where to stay*.


Well over half of hospitality employees cited staff shortages as the biggest challenge for the sector*.


Around 920,000 tonnes of food is wasted by outlets each year. Of this wastage, ¾ could've been avoided*.


77% of consumers always or regularly read reviews of hospitality venues


With a third of hospitality venues being forced to reduce their hours* due to staffing problems, venues must do all they can to protect staff.



With 90% of consumers looking for sustainable options when travelling*, it's vital that your venue is meeting green expectations.



Over 50% of food waste made by hospitality and food service outlets isn't recycled.



With 920,000 tonnes of food wasted by hospitality and food service outlets each year (1), and the average UK hospitality business spending up to £50,000 every year on sending food waste to landfill (2), it’s clear that the industry has some big changes to make.

Source 1: 

Source 2:  

In the UK alone, around 40% of food waste is currently disposed of via landfill*

Source: Vision 2020 

Food waste alone generates 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions*.

Source: United Nations Environment Programme (2021) Food Waste Index Report 2021 and FAO (2011) Global Food Losses and Food Waste. Extent, Causes and Prevention. 

For every £1 invested in food waste management, an organisation stands to make £14 in savings*.


As well as avoiding hefty fines for non-compliance, food waste is up to five times cheaper to dispose of per kilogram than general waste*, especially with landfill taxes set to increase by 20% from April 2025.


Studies show that sorting scraps to divert them away from landfill during food preparation, together with prevention and donation actions, could reduce overall food waste by at least 10%*.



As recycling waste is cheaper to dispose of*, multi-stream recycling can see your business slash waste collection costs.



Prioritising durability when selecting your bins can cut their environmental impact by 72% and commercial costs by a third*.

Source: RCP, Why Product Longevity is a Powerful First Step to Improving Commercial Sustainability 

96 of the global warming potential of recycling a recycling container comes during its production**.

Source: Global Warming Potential from Production (section 4.2.2)


Back ache is one of Europe’s most common work-related ailments*. And it’s a headache for businesses, leading to absenteeism and lost productivity. Slim Jim®’s in-built venting channels help to reduce the strain of liner removal.

Source: Panteia based on the fifth ( 2010 ) and sixth 2015 ) waves of the European Working Conditions Survey.


Food waste costs the average UK hospitality business £50K in landfill costs each year*.



Food waste costs the average UK hospitality business £50K in landfill costs each year*.

